Rev. Roberta Finkelstein, Interim Senior Minister
[embeddoc url=”https://tucw.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/WELCOME_LETTER_Roberta_Finkelstein1.pdf”]

Michelle Garvey, Board Chair - The Unitarian Church in Westport
[embeddoc url=”https://tucw.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Garvey_letter1.pdf”]

Rev. EdWard Thompson, Minister of Music
[embeddoc url=”https://tucw.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/WELCOME_LETTER_Ed_Thompson1.pdf”]

Rev. Debra Haffner, Endorsed Community Minister
[embeddoc url=”https://tucw.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/WELCOME-LETTER-from-Debra-HAFFNERletter-with-signature.pdf”]

Rev. Frank Hall, Minister Emeritus
[embeddoc url=”https://tucw.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/WELCOME_LETTER_Frank_Hall.pdf”]

Andrea Lerner, District Executive and Congregational Life Staff
[embeddoc url=”https://tucw.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/WELCOME-LETTER_Andrea_Lerner.pdf”]
Welcome to our iconic building and beautiful surroundings
Our church building, designed by visionary architect Victor Lundy (a disciple of Frank Lloyd Wright), was completed in 1965. Set on a ridge among trees, it inspires members and visitors alike.
All who enter are struck by the clear glass walls, and the soaring roof which seems to hover on air, sweeping upward like a bird in flight – or some say like a sail – others say like praying hands, the two sides never quite touching.
On our grounds you will find a former parsonage now used as our Meeting House, a meditation garden, a lawn for open-air gatherings and sports, and a children’s playground. At the top of the ridge behind our church is the beautiful memorial garden.